What Maradona said when they told him that he was going to operate and who are the people who accompanied him

The support of the fans at the door of the Ipensa sanatorium, where the checks that detected the hematoma (Aglaplata) were carried out

It happened around noon, in the room on the second floor of the Ipensa de La Plata sanatorium. After undergoing the general check-up, after a morning in which he had been calmer (he had breakfast, went for a walk, talked with his daughters and watched tennis on TV), Leopoldo Luque approached Diego Maradona to give him an in-depth diagnosis. Without euphemisms, he told the former captain of the National Team that they had to operate him for a hematoma subdural that he could see on the MRI. He told her that the intervention, within normal parameters, would take between 40 minutes and an hour (it lasted just over 60 minutes). And he gave him a reference that led to an occurrence with the seal of Ten.

“It is the operation that they did to Cristina in 2013,” the doctor pointed out, referring to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who underwent a similar intervention at the Favaloro Foundation when she was president of the Nation. It was there that the Gymnastics coach released a phrase that stole a smile from those present, even in a context of concern.

“Cristina had the same surgery? Ah ready. We are Peronists. And nothing happens to the Peronists “He said, giving his consent to undergo surgery at the Olivos Clinic, which will be commanded by Luque himself, who is a neurosurgeon.

Finally, the operation was a success and the professionals managed to evacuate the hematoma. “He’s awake, very well,” Luque clarified after the trance.

Injury it occurred as a result of mild trauma, who could have suffered boxing –sports activity that he practiced–, a ball or even when he fell backwards on the gymnastics bench last tournament. “From the trauma, a spill of liquid was generated that accumulated”, they told this medium from the inner circle of the star.

“We observe that he has a subdural hematoma, it forms between the brain and the skull. Sometimes the diagnosis takes time to arrive because it does not have so much clinical representation, ”Luque said at the door of the clinic, before the transfer. Indeed, in September, Pelusa had undergone an MRI in which the hematoma had not been detected.

“Most of the patients who have this hematoma are at risk, the panorama did not change. Everything remains the same, Diego continues with the same clinical condition that he presented. Hematomas are imperceptible, patients often do not remember”, He added.

Since he was admitted to the Ipensa sanatorium, he was accompanied by Johny (his nephew, son of the Walrus Esposito and Betty, one of his sisters), Maxi Pomargo (Matías Morla’s brother-in-law and Diez’s right-hand man), his former partner Verónica Ojeda and Sebastián Sanchi, your press officer. Moments before being referred to the Olivos Clinic, his daughter Gianinna appeared, with the idea of ​​accompanying him on the ambulance trip. And in the North Zone, Jana, another of his heiresses, was stationed to support him there. Then Dalma was added and also the sisters of the star.

The doctor Leopoldo Luque, at the time he confirmed the operation (Aglaplata)
The doctor Leopoldo Luque, at the time he confirmed the operation (Aglaplata)

They proposed to the coach to travel by helicopter and even President Alberto Fernández offered the heliport of Quinta de Olivos for the aircraft to descend there. However, the professionals who treat Maradona preferred that he do it by land.

Diego came from two weeks of low spirits due to various factors. Family problems, the proximity of his 60th birthday (without the presence of Chitoro and Doña Tota, their deceased parents) and the fact that he had to remain isolated due to having had close contact with a suspected case of coronavirus (one of his custodians, who finally tested negative). On Friday, his anniversary day, he showed a fragile image in the tribute they made to him in the previous duel between Gimnasia and Patronato, to the point that he withdrew before the ball began to roll.

Yesterday the alarms sounded louder. Those who accompany him on a day-to-day basis contacted Matías Morla, the figure’s attorney, and Leopoldo Luque, who convinced him that hospitalization was the most convenient. He arrived at the sanatorium with a picture of anemia and dehydration; was stabilized. He had several days of poor nutrition, skipping meals, when he must follow a strict diet due to the impact of anxiolytics and medication to fall asleep. The checkup detected the hematoma, which leads him to the operating room, when he believed that, at the latest, tomorrow he would be back home in Brandsen.


Documentary on his 60th birthday: Who is Diego Armando Maradona?

The undisclosed intimacy of how the only official biography of Maradona was made 20 years ago in Cuba and that it was translated into 88 languages


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