what he risks with the federal investigation

Paradoxical situation. Now double-sided positives are appearing: good for playing in Serie A, but not in Europe. Maybe we will also see the opposite, who knows. Meanwhile, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office headed by Giuseppe Chiné came into action in the Lazio tampons affair. The stop dictated by UEFA regulatory constraints to be linked to the various buffers for the Champions League matches that forced Lazio to do without Immobile, Leiva and Strakosha, pushed the prosecutor to take action last week, after the positivity of some players, arranging two visits to the Sports Center of Formello. The inspectors to verify compliance with the health protocols listened to the president Claudio Lotito and the social doctor Ivo Pulcini, acquiring the reports of the swabs carried out before Bruges-Lazio (Champions) and Turin-Lazio (Serie A). Yesterday the reports of the swabs carried out on the eve of today’s race were also requested.

Lazio, the situation of positive footballers at Covid

The practice provides that, in the event of a positive outcome of one or more elements, the Prosecutor verifies the correctness of compliance with the Figc protocols. But the question is always the same: how is it possible that there is this difference between Italy and Europe? Among other things, just seven days ago, Uefa, through the employees of the SynLab laboratory, had already stopped Immobile, Luis Alberto, Pereira, Lazzari and Djavan Anderson for the trip to Bruges. “False positives”, according to Lazio. So much so that the swabs carried out 48 hours before the match against Torino had not revealed any anomalies. Now, there would be eight positive members.

Lazio, the risks of the federal investigation

“In case of violation, the responsible company will apply, depending on its seriousness, the sanctions pursuant to art. 8 ranging from fines, penalties, relegation to last place up to exclusion from the championship. The seriousness of the violation is assessed on the basis of the risk to the health of the players, staff, referees and all professionals exposed to the infection from Covid-19, as well as the ascertained intention to alter the course or the result of a race or competition ».



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