What Anthony Davis is waiting for before re-signing to the Lakers

Still officially a free agent, Anthony Davis has not yet extended his contract with the Lakers. If its objective has not changed, we know what the interior is waiting for before re-signing in the City of Angels.

If you are asked who is the best free agent still available on the market, the answer is simple: Anthony Davis. The latter still has not extended his contract with the Lakers, and fans are almost starting to worry. Almost. Indeed, nothing has changed: Unibrow intends to continue its adventure in the City of Angels.

But if so, one can logically wonder why he has not yet extended his contract. A question of money? Duration of contract? Is Davis undecided? We finally know a little more.

As you were told, there is no doubt that Davis will be a Laker in 2021. He has just won one title and he has every intention of winning more in the years to come. come. But according to reporter Brad Turner, the former Pelican has a goal in mind before deciding how long his contract will be.

Davis wanted to see how the team was going to be before deciding on the length of his contract.

With the many reinforcements, including that of Marc Gasol last night, we imagine that Davis is convinced: the Angelinos are ready to go get a new ring. AD could therefore extend over the long term in Los Angeles.

Did Anthony Davis enjoy recruiting the Lakers? The length of his contract should tell us more. Answer in a few days.


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