“We have to wake up, this is not Rome”

Roma size within the league?
“So far we have done quite well. We should have done more today, but we have not been ourselves. We have not been at our level, we have made too many mistakes. We have to wake up as soon as possible because we play every three days and we have to come back. to be the same as before “.

Rome, furious fans: “Why whistle that offside in Mkhitaryan?”

The victory against the big names is missing.
“It is always said that we do not win against the big teams, Milan beat all the big teams and they drew against us. Napoli deserved it, against Juve we deserved more than a draw. There are other challenges against the big names, we hope to improve even in this “.

These are the words of Dzeko in Rome TV.

A bad race, what happened?
“It went badly, difficult to explain now. We didn’t want to play a game like this, we expected a lot more from ourselves above all. We weren’t who we have shown ourselves to be lately.”

Bad defeat, but no drama …
“For sure, we weren’t the best before and we’re not the worst now. We need to have balance and understand where we went wrong. We need to forget this match as soon as possible, other matches will arrive in the next few days, we can be losing but we need to learn and do better. in the next “.

All the news about Rome

After this defeat, in your opinion, is the team ready to restart or will it be accused?
“Tonight no one is happy, we have to sleep on it. From tomorrow a new week will begin, other matches will arrive and we must be positive. We know that we did badly, thanks also to Napoli who played well, but for me this match ends here, for everyone we must stop here. If we start being negative it won’t go well, we have to be positive and move on.

How do you feel physically?
“Definitely not at 100%, only by playing and training I can get back to the top. The last game I played was a month ago, I still need some time. I hope to get back to 100% as soon as possible” .

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