“To be like that for a 19 year old kid is impressive”

To get to the NBA you necessarily need talent and often there are two things that make the difference between an average player and a great player: the mental and the work ethic. Killian Hayes has the talent, but also the mind according to Will Bynum, former NBAer with whom the French has worked a lot in recent months. And if he lands in New York, who would be interested, it takes a mind of steel.

He knows exactly what he wants and he knows the job he has to do to make it happen. There are some things that might put him off, but he is already aware of all these things and he is preparing for them and welcoming them with open arms. To be like that for a 19 year old kid is awesome. It’s stubbornness and it’s a gift when you’re so young and know exactly what you want and you’re not going to let anyone put you off. He has that attitude. He knows exactly what he wants and needs to do. ” Will Bynum

Shawn Faust, his long-time coach, who has worked with many NBA players, confirms that his mind is one of his strengths

“One of Killian’s greatest strengths is being able to play through hardships and being able to adjust and refocus when he’s struggling, because hardship is an integral part of basketball. But he’s rarely in trouble because he’s a very good player, and he does a very good job to keep playing despite that. ” Shawn faust

Among the criticisms made on his game, there is this famous right hand, much weaker than the left. But he has done a lot of work on this aspect of his game.

“His right hand is not a problem at all, I tell you: the right hand is ready. The important thing is not only to go to the right, you have to have confidence in this right hand and that is what we have been able to do during these last 8 months. ” Faust

Faust also thinks that one should not rely too much on the images of his matches in Germany, as his opponents hardly forced him to go to the right. So he was playing on his strong hand.

While waiting for the draft, here is a video to get to know Killian better:



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