They have no peace: they again vandalized the tennis court of Parque San Martín

The neighbors who usually call themselves to play tennis in Parque San Martín do not leave their astonishment. While they were trying to overcome the anguish over the vandalism attack on the field that they had restored after an arduous community work to the lungs, they learned that between last night and this morning the surface was again the object of an attack.

This time, the vandals dumped a vast amount of tar, further complicating the condition of the surface. The fans had already anticipated that they would raise the money again and make the corresponding arrangements so that the field is again in condition. But now, to the regret of them and the neighbors of the neighborhood, they will have to deal with a much more arduous work from the adhesion of the strong adhesion of that substance on the floor.

In turn, amid concern and unease, they requested official support, not only to re-condition the place but also to install a security camera to prevent further attacks or, at least, identify the perpetrators of the attacks. successive attacks.

After the first vandalization they had stated that “more than 30 people every weekend for years is already a tradition. It is all by lungs, we raised money to buy the paint and be able to improve the sector to prioritize the sport and more people can approach practice it. “

“And that this has happened makes us very sick,” he says in anguish and stressed that “the municipality came to clean it with the staff, but unfortunately the stains did not come out completely.” But far from lowering their arms, they affirm: “He is going to paint his lungs again, hoping that it will not happen again.”



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