There is the first end-of-year trophy of the corona sports year: …

The first in a row of end-of-year awards in Belgian sport has been awarded. The National Trophy for Sports Merit is one of the most prestigious, the oldest as well, to be achieved only once in a sports career. In this corona season, the prize goes to Wout van Aert.

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It was a special election for the jury. Normally, some éminences grises of the sport meet in a majestic hall in the town hall of Brussels. This year, because face-to-face meetings are not allowed in the city of Brussels, the jury – including cycling phenomenon Eddy Merckx, ex-Memorial boss Wilfried Meert, Olympic sprint champion Kim Gevaert, football bobo Michel D’Hooghe, judo legend Ingrid Berghmans , Brussels Mayor Philippe Close… – gather in an online session. From the bus came out: Wout van Aert.

The jury’s verdict: “In the shortened but intense cycling season, Van Aert has put together an exceptional list of achievements. Victory in Milan-San Remo, victory in the Strade Bianche, two stage victories in the Tour de France, vice world champion at the world road championship, Belgian time trial champion, vice world champion time trial and also a second place in the Tour of Flanders , it was quite impressive. Especially when you consider that many people had already written off the Kempenaar after his terrible fall in the Tour last year. Once back on the bike, Van Aert has shown a lot of willpower and perseverance, with the known success. Completely in the image of the many great cycling champions that our country has already produced. ”

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