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Montaner: A live concert that is a relief after months without singing

Santo Domingo, Nov 24 (EFE) .- Offering a live concert, now that the covid-19 does not allow organizing large events, can be a great relief for an artist after months without going on stage, in the case of singer-songwriter Ricardo Montaner, that this Saturday he will give a virtual recital from Altos de Chavón, in eastern Dominican Republic. This was expressed by Montaner himself at a press conference when talking about this concert, with which he will virtually unite followers from countries as distant as Argentina, Norway, Israel, Mexico or Italy, among other places from which his followers have bought tickets for live this experience through the internet. For him, being on stage for two hours “is going to translate into a kind of relief”, because in the 40 years he has been in the world of music, it is the first time that he has spent so much time without singing. “I don’t go a month without singing, it’s very rare that that happens, I’ve been on tour since I started,” he said. The show will be broadcast in real time around the world, although once it is finished it will be kept on for 24 hours, taking into account the time difference that exists, for example, with Europe, so that fans can also enjoy it delayed. The artist confessed that he does not have “the slightest idea” of how he will handle a performance without the closeness and warmth that a real audience provides, being, moreover, in an auditorium designed for more than 6,000 people. “I do not know because I have never done it. I am baptizing that,” he said to questions from the press, although he did say that he feels “something very special here, which has to do with this initiative to go where the people, even in this way, to touch his heart with music “. Also, the singer-songwriter referred to the consequences that the pandemic has had for the music industry. “In March the lights went out” and there will be no possibility of making live presentations “until the spring or summer of next year,” he reflected. This “has been a great blow for the musicians and producers who do events, for a large number of people who have to do with the world of music” who have suffered terrible economic consequences. “But there is another side, a positive way of looking at the situation and that is that, in my case, something happened. I realized that what I could not do was fall into depression” and in these eight months “I wrote my new album full, “whose first single will be released on December 23, he announced. “The work is almost finished at the mixing level and by the end of February, with the release of the second single I hope to release the album as well”, so, “in the midst of all this pandemic drama, God has given us inspiration to move on, “he said. Asked about the choice of Altos del Chavón as the setting for this concert, Montaner, of Argentine, Venezuelan and Dominican nationality, alluded to the link he has with this Caribbean country and his desire to boost tourism, the main economic sector of the Dominican Republic. heavily affected by the pandemic. “It is a very sentimental choice” that has to do “with the affections that bind me to this country”, but also “I firmly believe in the relaunch of the Dominican Republic as a tourist destination” and in making it “once again the preferred place for tourism In the Caribbean”. Montaner has received various awards for his artistic career, including a Latin Grammy for Musical Excellence for his contribution to Latin American music, awarded in 2016. (c) Agencia EFE


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