The IMQ Group, with casualties, is measured by Pereda

The IMQ Group plays at noon today on the Pereda de Santander field a game that was in the air due to the appearance of several positives in coronavirus in the Cantabrian ranks. However, the bulk of the squad gave negative in the tests so the Spanish Federation did not allow the postponement requested by Pereda.

The IMQ Group coach, Chechu Villaldea travels with several casualties, the most notable being that of goalkeeper Adrián Díaz who for personal reasons has decided to leave sports for a while. Neither will the injured Alexis and Vizcaíno, nor Pablo Cuervo, Borobio and Dani Vallado, who also for different personal reasons prefer not to risk traveling to Santander.

Pereda has not won any of the three games he has played, but before the group members he has two reinforcements yielded by Sinfin de Asobal, including an international for Puerto Rico Jorge Nazario who have significantly increased the potential of the squad.



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