The Faucigny Badminton Club facing the health crisis

The sports club, deprived of practice because of the closing of the gymnasiums, cancels its annual tournament.

As we know, sport is one of the big victims of Covid-19. Because of the health risk, most sports practitioners have had to put aside their respective physical activities.

Sports halls of course, and more generally everything that is practiced indoors, such as badminton, which is played in the gym. Equipment closed successively, during the two confinements.

This year, the Faucigny Badminton Club has 160 members, from mini-bad children to adults, whether in leisure or in competition. And President Didier Joly deplores a very complicated start to the season in this health context.

ITC Didier JOLY 1 – FBC 74 confinement (39’s)

In this context of uncertainty in sports practice, the Faucigny Badminton Club has recorded since the start of the school year a drop in adult registrations, 35 less precisely than last year.

What to wonder about the financial health of the club and its future, with this crisis. But Didier Joly puts it into perspective and talks about a good cash flow which all the same makes it possible to absorb the shock.

ITC Didier JOLY 2 – FBC 74 confinement (46’s)

No tournament next January.

Another unfortunate consequence of this health crisis, the Faucigny Badminton Club cannot maintain its traditional annual tournament, scheduled for January 24 and 25, 2021 at the gymnasium of the college of Saint Pierre en Faucigny.

The meeting brings together an average of 200 athletes, but this time the volunteers, like the athletes, did not respond, in this uncertain health context. A cancellation that has several negative consequences for the club explains the president.

ITC Didier JOLY 3 – FBC 74 confinement (22’s)

A shortfall that will be offset by a reduction in charges this year.

The club president hopes that the development of a valid vaccine will reassure followers, who may fear practicing this discipline in terms of health, since it is played indoors, and may discourage the most fearful when registering.

Club life impacted.

The general assembly of the club, which brings together athletes and gives voice to members, could not take place as planned at the start of the school year, and will certainly not be able to take place in a room. It will therefore be rescheduled shortly by videoconference.

An appointment all the more necessary as the club is always looking for a new secretary, and a future new treasurer, as well as volunteers to ensure the animation of the volunteer office during the events.

The organizers hope to federate their members.


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