Tennis: Hamburg tournament organizer seeks long-term contract

Hamburg, Nov 27 (dpa) – The organizer of the ATP tennis tournament in Hamburg wants to conclude a long-term contract for it to remain at the Am Rothenbaum stadium, according to Peter-Michael Reichel, the visible head of the organizing society, in a interview published today by the daily “Hamburger Abendblatt”.

“Our contract with the German Tennis Federation as the licensee ends in 2023, but we want to hold talks soon to extend it,” said Reichel.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, talks scheduled for the second half of this year were postponed. The Austrian Reichel and his daughter Sandra, tournament director, have led the organization since 2019.

This year, the European Open in Hamburg was one of the few tennis tournaments that could be held under the conditions imposed by the coronavirus, this time in September. The date set for next year’s edition is July.

However, Reichel said that “nothing really can be planned at the moment.” The schedule for 2021 is considered difficult because it falls between the Wimbledon tournament, on grass, and the Tokyo Olympic tournament, on hard court. The Hamburg tournament is played on a clay court.

# Information for the publisher

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## Editorial contacts – Author: Claas Hennig (Hamburg) – Editor: Xavier Bautista (Barcelona) – Editor: Elsa Schroth Ruesga (Hamburg)

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