Tennis: Ex-partner underpins allegations of violence against Alexander Zverev: “I don’t lie”

Germany’s best tennis player Alexander Zverev has rejected the allegations of his ex-girlfriend Olga Scharypova after “challenging days”. She had reported violent clashes during the relationship and confirmed these allegations again.

The 23-year-old world number seven becomes a father, he confirmed the statements of his ex-girlfriend Brenda Patea. And Zverev is confronted with serious allegations from his former partner Scharypova, who claimed that the tennis star was violent against her. Zverev decidedly rejects this as “untenable”.

Scharypowa had publicly accused Zverev on Wednesday of being violent towards her. According to the Russian, Zverev tried to “choke her with a pillow” in New York in August 2019. The German top player wrote down the allegations Instagram: “That makes me sad. We have known each other since we were children and have seen a lot together.

He regrets it very much “that she says so. Because the allegations are simply not true.” The relationship between the two has long since ended. “I can’t explain why Olga is making these allegations now. I very much hope that we both find a way to treat each other sensibly and respectfully again.”

The Russian reported on social media and also in a Russian sports newspaper about alleged incidents in New York in August 2019. The German top player wrote about the allegations: “That makes me sad. We have known each other since we were children and have seen a lot together. I very much regret that she says so. Because the allegations are simply not the truth.”

The answer of his former partner followed on Friday night: “I don’t know whether you wrote that or whoever wrote it Instagram-Account looked after. But to this day you haven’t had the decency to approach me personally, “wrote Sharypova, and it became clear:” I don’t lie – we both know that. I am not afraid to tell the truth. You?”

She directed her message to “all men who misbehave towards women” to say: “We are not an accessory, not a Plus-1, not a doll.” The Russian would have suffered for two years: “One during the destructive relationship. Another year in which I recovered from it.”



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