Solanas: “We play as a team, each one found his role”

The entrerriano escort Matías Solanas analyzed the present of San Martín, current leader of the Northern Conference and undefeated at this start of the season of the National Basketball League. “The first dates were good and positive. We achieved what we worked on the days before going to compete, we played as a team, each one found their role, those were the keys ”, highlighted the“ red and black ”player. And he added: “We played well in defense and attack. In addition, we were at the height in the physical plane, after so long without playing we knew it was not going to be easy, but we did very well ”.

San Martín won the eight games he played until the suspension of the competition, being the only undefeated in the Northern Conference. Until now, Solanas averaged 16.2 points per game in 30.5 minutes on the court, in the 6 games that he played in this positive start for the Corrientes team.

The current goalscorer for Rojinegro also said: “We knew that we had a lot of confidence in ourselves and in what we worked on previously; We are going to take advantage of these days to train to the maximum and maintain the level that we have, work to improve what was not working for us, this stop is good for us to continue improving ”.

Undoubtedly, this season Solanas will once again add important minutes and confirm his experience in the team despite his young age (21 years): “I feel very comfortable in my role, the team gives me confidence and I can play calm, always trying to add for the team from the place that touches me ”.

To close, regarding the sprain he suffered in the match with Libertad de Sunchales, Solanas commented: “I feel very well, we work a lot with our kinesiologist in Buenos Aires and the next few days I will dedicate myself to recovery so that I can return to training normally soon”.

Work week

The San Martín team returned in the last days to the city of Corrientes after the interruption of the National Basketball League and that it would return in the first days of December.

Since last Monday, the campus, after completing the corresponding studies, trains at Fortín Rojinegro and will maintain a double shift work routine during the time it is in the city.


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