Secret Dybala: “I used to play chess. I don’t grow a beard ”. And on the deniers …

TORINO – The love for chess, for cars, the Polish origins, the relationship with Oriana and the admiration for Del Piero e Diego Armando Maradona. In a long interview granted to Vanity Fair, Juventus number ten Paulo Dybala tells himself at 360 degrees, starting from his greatest passion after football: “I do well with chess. Until the age of 18 I also participated in several tournaments in my city, Cordoba. I won the provincial ones, then I made the leap to the national level and I won a good second place. So they started making me play bigger players and unfortunately I was often knocked out midway. If I find someone to do it with, I would play again. I am patient, I study the opponent’s moves and I hurt him when I can. Even in life? It depends. But in general I’m a guy who knows how to wait, who knows how to focus on making the right moves at the right time. In my work I always try to have short-range goals, because they are the easiest to achieve. My relationship with time is basically this“.

Dybala and the Polish origins

On the physical features: “The problem is, my beard just doesn’t grow. My eyes, on the other hand, are green, even though my girlfriend says they are blue. I got them from my paternal grandfather. He died when I was 4, but many stories are told in the family: it seems that he has just arrived in South America (from Poland, ed) he slept in a cornfield for two weeks, nearly starving there before being rescued by some farmers. Then, little by little, he built his life. I am proud of what he created and the teachings he left us, which are the same ones that my father gave me: to be responsible, to respect people, to grow in all human aspects.“.

Dybala: “I love cars, like dad”

Dad was a calm, silent man, who loved football more than anything and passed on the passion to us brothers. He took us wherever we could play, wherever he saw us happy. He was a lover of cars and changed them often: Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Volvo. With each new purchase my mother got angry, but he earned them with his work and rightly, in my opinion, took away his satisfactions. He had a betting company where numbers are played … Something similar to the game of Lotto here in Italy. How do I look like him? In the passion for football. Then, in privacy and for the love of cars, even if I don’t change them as often as he does. In the last 10 years I have changed three. What do I do with it? We are often around races in Europe and Italy and I couldn’t even use them. In addition the Juventus provides us with a company car. The last one I bought was used by my girlfriend “.

Dybala and that madness for Del Piero and Maradona

“I am very careful about spending money, a recommendation that my family always repeat to me. The gorilla in my living room? I found it at a charity dinner in Paris, organized by my former teammate. Blaise Matuidi, to finance some solidarity projects in Africa. On sale were valuables and other things of a more emotional nature. I fell in love with this sculpture by Richard Orlinski and bought it. But I’m not an art collector, it was my only investment. You only collect football shirts, I have hundreds of them. The ones we exchange at the end of the game, plus the ones that I give away or order from my team mates who play abroad. Not to mention the uniforms I buy on the Internet. Madness? Just touch. A jacket of Del Piero, at auction, escaped me by a whisker. And one of Maradona worn in a match against Brazil, which someone agreed to pay more than me “.

Dybala on Oriana and the Coronavirus deniers

“If I would buy the statue of his left foot that he was having built Maradona before admission? It depends on how much there is to spend. 20 thousand euros? For that amount, right away. I was paying more for his number 10 shirt. Besides the gorilla do I also have a piano? It’s for my girlfriend. I can only play easy songs with very few chords. Mainly reggaeton pieces. Oriana he manages to make me open up and make me see things differently every day. We communicate a lot and do a lot of things together, even if everyone keeps their own space. Apart from on the sofa in the evening, when we see a movie she would always like to be hugged, I a little less. Sticking all day is not good. Will I marry her? Further on. If I’m afraid of the Coronavirus when do I meet the fans? I’ve already had it, in case they have to worry when they meet me. Deniers have the same intellectual value as flat-earthers. Don’t let me add anything else … “

Pirlo defends Dybala: “No wrong attitude”


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