Ryan Broekhoff: “I feel I still have a lot to prove and offer in the NBA”

It’s all about timing for Ryan Broekhoff, who discovered the NBA at 28, five years after leaving the United States, where he played for Valparaiso in college, time to roll his bump between Turkey and Russia.

“The timing was too perfect not to go” he confides at Forbes. “I had two very good seasons and I think I was the ideal age. “

He was therefore convinced by the two-year contract of the Mavericks, broken before its term, on February 10, to make room for Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, just released by Charlotte. “It was complicated. You realize it’s part of the business but it’s hard not to see the personal side. “

Have more responsibilities than in Dallas

Nevertheless, his 40% success at 3-point despite often late entry into play is starting to be known in the NBA. The Australian had indeed signed with the Sixers for the resumption of the season, but just before joining the bubble, his wife contracted the coronavirus and he preferred to stay with her and their young son.

It is therefore with 17 small matches on the clock that the thirty-something finds himself looking for a new contract on the free agency market. But he intends to stay in the United States. “I have the feeling that I still have a lot to prove and to offer in the NBA he emphasizes. “I would love to have more regular playing time to see how I could translate it, how I could help the team and show what I can do. With the opportunities I have been given over these two years, I think I can keep my head up. ”

His career record

Ryan BroekhoffPercentageRebounds


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