PSG stands out at the top of the championship, Rennes puts an end to its lack of victory

Paris-Saint-Germain consolidated its leadership position by going to win (3-0), Saturday, October 31, in Nantes its seventh consecutive victory in Ligue 1, to regain three points ahead of Rennes which overthrew Brest (2 -1).

  • Seventh consecutive success for PSG in Ligue 1

Thomas Tuchel’s team, altered from the eleven victorious (2-0) Basaksehir Wednesday in Istanbul in the Champions League, including Presnel Kimpembe, Marquinhos and Alessandro Florenzi left at rest, has 21 points. Its first pursuer, Lille, can come back to its height in case of victory against Lyon on Sunday (9 p.m.).

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Ander Herrera, nicely served in the penalty area with a back pass from Kylian Mbappé, opened the scoring for the Parisians after returning from the locker room (47e). And Mbappé doubled the stake on a penalty which he himself obtained (65e). With this seventh achievement in six league games, the star of the Blues alone takes the lead in the scorers standings.

And he is only three goals away from 100 achievements in the Parisian jersey in all competitions, for his fourth season barely in Red and Blue. Pablo Sarabia, opportunist, took advantage of a blunder by Imran Louza to increase the score (88e) by lobbing Alban Lafont.

Nantes, 15e (8 points), missed several chances during the match, in particular a penalty (69e) stopped by Keylor Navas, who dived on the right side against Kader Bamba. And an incredible miss, at 0-0, from Moses Simon, who deflected his own attempt with his right foot with his left calf (17e) right in front of the cage as Navas was beaten.

Parisian side, Pablo Sarabia found the post on a corner (12e) and delivered an offering to Kylian Mbappé, who completely missed his shot (43e).

Paris thus regains three points ahead of Rennes, who overthrew Brest on Saturday (2-1) at Roazhon Park thanks to two goals from their central defenders. This Breton derby won ensures that Rennes (18 points) will finish the day on the podium.

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They conceded the opener to Franck Honorat, who scored with his right foot (58e), helped by a too passive defense in its surface. But the Rennes hinge sounded the revolt in less than five minutes, with the central defenders each scoring a header from a set piece.

Damien Da Silva equalized (66e) on a free kick from the left side of Romain Del Castillo, and Nayef Aguerd gave Rennes the advantage (70e) on a corner perfectly shot by Benjamin Bourigeaud, this time from the right side.

But Rennes did not kill the match, still conceding chances (79e, 83e). And Serhou Guirassy was prevented from making the break (89e) by Gautier Larsonneur, who deflected on the bar, with a spectacular reflex stop, a point blank header from the Rennes striker.

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