Nacional confirms nine positive cases for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic put Atlético Nacional against the ropes with the results of the latest tests carried out on the professional team. Nine of their players tested positive for the virus and they hope to test them again next Friday. on the eve of the return match against América de Cali for the quarterfinals of the BetPlay League.

Through a statement, the club confirmed the complex situation it is going through, which spread as a rumor on Monday night.

“Atlético Nacional, complying with its internal protocol for weekly monitoring of tests for detection of COVID-19, carried out control tests on its staff on Monday. These results produced nine positive players “, reported the institution.

In the same note, he specified that all those infected “They are in good general health, asymptomatic and in preventive isolation.”

Likewise, Nacional supplemented the information, without revealing the names of the nine positives, noting that it has established, in accordance with health guidelines, “the epidemiological fence extending it to the respective families and other workers.”

He also explained that according to the indications of the “Dimayor calendar, the tests must be carried out again next Friday.”

COVID-19 had already knocked on the door of the purslane with the contagion of Gustavo Torres, who continued his career in Brazilian soccer. Vladimir Hernández and Helibelton Palacios are other members of the staff who were recently infected and overcame the virus.

However, the absence of Sebastián Gómez and Yerson Candelo In the first game against the scarlet team at the start of the playoffs it was associated with a possible contagion, but the club did not reveal the reasons for the non-call.

Among purslane players who recently contracted the coronavirus There would be two archers, two defenders, a front-line midfielder, two wingers and two center-forward. This situation is added to the repeated injuries that the professional team has registered, which has especially diminished the defense of the cast that Alejandro Restrepo now directs.

Christian Mafla, Juan David Cabal, Geisson Perea, Estéfano Arango and Cristian Blanco are the players who are in the medical department. Andrés Andrade and Diego Braghieri are under observation, who left Pascual Guerrero upset.


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