Kroos: “I have never felt so powerless as in 6-0 against Spain”

The madridista Toni Kroos He said, in the ‘podcast’ that he makes with his brother Felix, that never in his life as a player had he felt so powerless as in Germany’s 6-0 defeat against Spain.

“If I review my career, it may not have been the bitterest defeat like that of the final of the Champions League in 2012 (with Bayern against Chelsea) but if the clearest, “said Kroos.

Never in a defeat have I felt so helpless“he added.

Kroos was self-critical of the defeat and said that you had to analyze the things that were done wrong in that specific match. “We did things really wrong and you have to analyze what went wrong. Three months before they had played against Spain with almost the same team, we were 1-1 and we should have won, “he said.

“Now there will be a long phase without international matches which bothers but we must see it as an opportunity. We will improve, we have already shown that we are capable of it, “he said.

Questioned by his brother about whether there had been jokes from his teammates at Real Madrid, Kroos denied it. “There were no jokes, rather everyone seemed surprised”


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