James Harden opposes a two-year US $ 103 million missile extension that focuses on trading in nets

James Harden has turned down a two-year extension offer from the Houston Rockets for $ 103 million and has a special focus on trading with the Brooklyn Nets. Harden would have been the first NBA player to earn more than $ 50 million in a single season with the deal.

Harden can currently only become a free agent in 2022.

The Rockets and Nets front offices have been in contact, but no significant discussions about a Harden deal have taken place. The missiles doubt the nets will be able to create a trading package for Harden that will meet what they are looking for in Harden.

The Rockets believe they can be patient with a potential Harden trade and prefer to hold on to it long term.

Harden sees the Rockets unable to continue chasing a title and working with Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving is his best chance at winning one. A source described Harden as “his AD moment” in reference to Anthony Davis, who forced his way from the New Orleans Pelicans to the Los Angeles Lakers.



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