Golf: Two “hole-in-one” in two days for Jon Rahm!

In training before the Augusta Masters which begins on Thursday, the Spanish golfer had two “holes in one”. Tuesday’s is worth a look: with the added bonus of passing a ricochet lake.

Jon Rahm, Tuesday on the Augusta course. on his birthday he was able to celebrate his second hole-in-one of the week


Jon Rham is on fire as the Augusta Masters get underway on Thursday. The world No 2, who is still looking for a first major title, managed not one, but two “holes in one”.

He started his amazing week on Monday, with his first hole-in-one on hole 4 of the Georgian course: a solid 5 iron shot to find the target at 205 yards. He achieved this feat on a practice tour with Rickie Fowler and Brendon Todd.

On his Instagram account, he captioned his first feat like this: “Holes in one are always special, even more so at Augusta National. Hopefully this will happen again later in the week! ”

Rham did not think so well put it, since he put the cover back the next day, Tuesday, with an even more incredible “hole-in-one”, this time on hole No 16. He leaned on the hole. water with ricochets to reach the goal.

A superb coup and above all a superb way to celebrate his 26th birthday. And yes, because Jon Rahm was born on November 10th!

In fact, the Spaniard took part in a competition in respecting the tradition of the famous «skip», who wants the players use thepond next to the green of this par 3.


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