Giannis Antetokounmpo remembers the day he was humiliated: “He beat me 33-0”

Double MVP, Giannis Antetokounmpo has experienced a meteoric rise since his arrival in the NBA, he who was unknown before the draft and his selection in 15th position by the Bucks. Now dominating in the NBA, like almost everyone, he also had his difficult times, and the most complicated for him on the basketball court took place when he was 15 years old. A 1-on-1 against Nikos Pappas, which you all know if you follow European basketball, Greek international and Pana player. At the time the rear, 4 years older than Giannis, had taught him a lesson in 1-on-1. A misadventure that forged its character

“I had a bad experience once on the pitch. He was a guy who was really, really good. It was Nikos Pappas. I was 15, I think he was 19. It was in front of my friends, at home on my land. He said, ‘we can do a 1-on-1 and I bet you won’t score.’ I said, ‘No, no, no way I don’t score.’ And he beat me like 33-0. I started to cry and left the field. After that I developed a mentality of: ‘I will never lose in 1-on-1 again. Every time I play someone on my field, I will try to dominate them. ‘”Giannis

The two rubbed shoulders in the Greece team.

“He talks to me about it all the time. We played together for the national team a few years ago. Every time I make a nice move or score against him, he’s like, ‘Now you can do that, but back then I was killing you.’ ”Giannis

The two have not since had the same trajectory, even if Pappas, star when he was young, European champion U18 and in the 5 of the tournament, made a solid career.

Via Bucks


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