Football: NFL teams have proposed seven new rules

NEW YORK – NFL teams have proposed seven new rules, including a proposal for officiating, which will be presented to team owners later this month.

Two teams suggested modifying the match arbitration. These changes would include the inclusion of an outside referee called a “sky judge”, as is used at the university level, who could review the penalties awarded.

The teams also offered to revamp the overtime system to minimize the impact of the toss and reduce overtime to its original 15-minute duration. There is also a desire to provide alternatives to short kicks that would allow teams to attempt to hold the ball after scoring.

The Ravens and Chargers are looking to incorporate what they call a “stand umpire” as the eighth match umpire, as well as adding a senior technology advisor to the umpire to assist the umpire.

Citing the fairness of the competition, the pace of play, the health and safety of the players, Baltimore and Los Angeles proposed that the advisor “be positioned away from the field, with constant communication with officials on the field and access to a television monitor that displays all of the viewing angles provided through the NFL network independent system ”.

The technology advisor would be in the broadcast booth, able to access the video feed and have the ability to hear and communicate with the referees in the field. This adviser should have field experience as a referee and will advise the team of officials on the administration of the match; possession of the ball; dropped ball, the out-of-bounds line, the goal line or the baseline; location of the soccer ball in relation to the boundaries of the field, the line of scrimmage, the facial protector and unnecessary harshness against a defenseless player; number of players on the field; any other information requested by the arbitrator.

The Philadelphia Eagles have made four suggestions, including changing overtime from 15 minutes to 10. Also, at the end of regulation time, the team that has scored the most touchdowns will have the same options as a team that has scored the most touchdowns. wins the toss before the match. If the teams have scored an equal number of touchdowns, the usual toss would be appropriate.

When it comes to the short-kicking substitution, the Eagles would like a team to retain possession after scoring by substituting an offensive play: a fourth down with 15 yards left at the team’s 25-yard line in question. Converting the game means the team could keep the ball. The real short kick could always be attempted instead.

The Eagles believe such an option would provide excitement and tighter competition late in games.

Other proposals include the use of video replay at all times.


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