Foot PSG – PSG: Pierre Ménès announces it, Neymar and Mbappé remain in Paris

While rumors multiply on the future of Neymar and Kylian Mbappé, Pierre Mén! S believes that Paris Saint-Germain will keep its two stars.

The Spanish press still wants to believe it, Neymar could join FC Barcelona in the 2021 transfer window and Kylian Mbappé Real Madrid, the two PSG players being one year from the end of their contract with the Parisian club. On paper, everything is obviously possible, but in reality, the economic situation generated by the covid crisis has redistributed the cards, the superpowers of Barça and Real Madrid not escaping violent budget savers. And for Pierre Ménès, this will clearly encourage Neymar and Mbappé to stay at Paris Saint-Germain and even to extend, except to make enormous efforts in terms of salary. For the Canal + consultant, PSG is in a good position to keep its two stars.

« One thing that really struck me was that Sergio Ramos’ extension to Real Madrid posed financial problems. And is it the same club that budgeted 180ME to take Mbappé to PSG? So there must also be explained to me where the coherence is because I think that Mbappé will take a salary largely as important as that of Ramos to put it mildly. Yes there is the covid, yes there is the crisis and the clubs which were potentially big buyers in the transfer window will perhaps no longer be there or even less will be. I think so, financially, in this perspective the right calculation for Neymar is to stay at PSG since I believe he is negotiating with the same salary which remains monstrous. And then I also think he’s happy in Paris now, that he’s got used to the city. We see that he has shown an attachment to Paris for a year that he did not show before. Me, selfishly for Ligue 1, I would rather have Neymar in France than Neymar in England or Spain », Indicated, in PierrotFaceCam, Pierre Ménès.


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