Five minutes feat Roman de la UA

The homeowner started Joaquín Dios, Guzmán Pagani, Federico Ambrosoni, Nicolás Román and Felipe Rodríguez. Meanwhile, the visit jumped with Joaquín De Rito, Agustín Godoy, Sebastián González, Facundo Rivero and Mateo Ferraz.

The match had a quick 5-0 in just one minute at the hands of Federico Ambrosoni that heralded an entertaining duel. However, the azulgrana got carried away with the three-point shots and could not find the way to score. On the other hand, Capurro could not weave dangerous plays in the local defense. After a five-minute drought, Godoy managed to gravitate to the paint and gave his team the momentary lead. The dynamics remained somewhat confusing on both their part. The two intercepted passes and had quick counters, but failed to achieve. A double from Santiago Meinero broke the parity and made the first boy close 13-11.

The second quarter followed the same line as the previous one, with the Ambrosoni-Meinero duo being vital for the Nuevo Malvín team, while a more collective work of those led by Bruno Benelli. However, a 10-0 run with the point guard and forward as figures caused the distance to widen considerably. Those from the Capurro neighborhood reacted with Godoy assuming all roles and being accompanied by González and Federico García. A double on the horn of Felipe Rodríguez gave tranquility to those led by Sedes and they went to the long break up 32-24.

The second half had better to those of Velsen street, with Federico and Felipe putting their experience and goals. Capurro was encouraged to more and went to the basket with firmness, even achieving second shots, despite the great stature of the Blaugrana. Near the end of the quarter and with the beats at a thousand, Unión lost the papers and began to claim the shares from the Gómez – Daguerre duo, thus freeing the Capu who was approaching. In fact, with the UA still thinking about the fouls that were not charged, they lost focus and allowed the rival to put them in a 6-0 partial and leaving the penultimate period in figures of 47-37.

The visitors surprised with a 3-0 in just three minutes and generating the alarm state in the Blaugrana gym. However, a great re-entry of Nicolás Román was vital to seal the victory. Is that Union put a 19-0, of which 15 were “10”. Nicolás did not hesitate and put them as and when he wanted, giving in this way the KO blow that left the visit sunk at the bottom of the table of positions of the contest. The win stayed at home 71-46.

In the winner Felipe Ambrosoni stood out with 25 points, followed by Nicolás Román with 18. In the loser, Agustín Godoy scored 15 points.


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