Distinguished listless; Ibra Basta, giant Donnarumma- Corriere.it

4,5 By Lorenzo
Weigh the crossbar with the door wide open. Loses the ball and allows the restart for the doubling of Ibra. Bad evening, he doesn’t get one right.

Only one to put order and attention, and does not lose his temper.

The mistake of not following the ball when there is Ibra in the area cannot afford it.

5 Mario Rui
If the chain on the right does not hold up, on the left (in its part) things are no better.

5,5 Bakayoko
Among the best, but impetuous. Twice warned, his race ends earlier.

5 Fabian Ruiz
Slow and so predictable. Clumsy the attempt to anticipate Rebic on the cross that leads to the doubling of Ibra

in confidence, dance between the lines. Tie the game.

You always work hard, then get lost in the confusion of the many (too many) touches to the ball.

It does not affect, it seems to have left confidence and desire in the national team.

He only needs one occasion to stamp the card. It just does that.

6 Zielinski
Gattuso expects quality from him, he answers present.

He takes over and should clear up, but he doesn’t.

He dared, but his best men betrayed him. The quality of the team has it, the personality still has to work.


Instead, these are the report cards of the top-ranking Rossoneri:
6,5 G. Donnarumma
On Mertens he stretches a wonder, and when he has to come out of the fray he plays the giant.

6 Calabria
Tidy, never out of position.

Send the first goal ball of the match to the sky.

6 Romagnoli
A few flaws that do not detract from the good performance of the team.

6,5 Theo Hernandez
a full throttle engine. The cross for Ibra is a perfect, soft, precise parable. Prelude to a great goal.

He puts his own in Mertens’ goal but then becomes a man of order

He takes a few too many risks, but he always knows what he is doing. With authority.

It creates superiority on the wing, it also goes to shooting. He then knows how to stoop and sacrifice himself when his team needs it

All-rounder: a bit director and a bit raider.

Returns as owner and very ready. Gives the second great idea to Ibra.

Before the race he reassured everyone: I win it. And two big flashes are enough for him. With the usual leadership.

He doesn’t leave a big mark, but he sacrifices himself for the cause

6,5 Hauge
He forces Manolas to make the only mistake, skips him in the final and takes the joy of the goal.

While Pioli rejoices in isolation he takes the whole window.

November 22, 2020 (change November 22, 2020 | 23:19)



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