Dietmar Hamann: “We’re going to the EM with Löw, whether we want it or not”

Soccer Ex-national player Hamann

“We will go to the EM with Löw, whether we want it or not”

Stand: 12:00 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

“Löw has used up all the credit”

After the 6-0 defeat against Spain, national coach Joachim Löw wobbles. WELT sports editor Dirk Schommertz criticizes the lack of impulses. Possible successors are already being traded.

Dietmar Hamann sees many trouble spots in the national team. Above all, the topic of Hummels, Boateng Müller caused unrest in the team. For the EM in the coming year, the ex-national player predicts an “unpleasant” end.

Dhe former national player Dietmar Hamann does not want to put national coach Joachim Löw under pressure in the discussion about a national team return of Thomas Müller, Jérôme Boateng and Mats Hummels.

“If he is convinced that he is better without Hummels, Boateng and Müller, then he should pull it off,” said Hamann on Wednesday on “Sky Sport News”. “I have the feeling with him, the more screaming that they should come back, the less he wants to do it,” said Hamann. “He seems to be very stubborn.” The discussion must be conducted.

If Löw managed to bring himself back, “that wouldn’t be a loss of face, it would be a sign of strength,” said Hamann and said: “I think that a Hummels and a Müller would do the team good.”

Dietmar Hamann demands more insight into personnel issues from Löw

Source: dpa / Rolf Vennenbernd

Personal details are also a topic of conversation in the team. “The unspeakable removal of the three well-deserved national players 18 months ago” had the result that the national coach would no longer reach the team. The problems are “a little more profound than we all want to admit”.

Löw also coached at the EM

You now have to see that you get people back on board. “You want to go to the European Championship. With the general mood in the country towards the national team, it will turn out badly, ”said the former Bayern and Liverpool professional.

The TV quota remained below the level of previous years. Only 7.34 million saw the game on ARD on Tuesday evening. This corresponds to a market share of 24.1 percent.

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For the 47-year-old Hamann, Löw will also look after the team at next year’s European championships. Hamann said he did not believe that there would be a change of coach for the German national team. “We should postpone the coaching question until the summer: We will go to the European Championship with Löw, whether we want it or not.”



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