David Alaba has gambled away at Bayern

opinion FC Bayern

It is Alaba’s own fault that he is now a Raffzahn

Stand: 02.11.2020 | Reading time: 3 minutes

David Alaba is “hurt and disappointed”

Bayern President Herbert Heiner surprised on Sunday with the statement that the club withdrew its contract offer to David Alaba. The player himself would have preferred a different approach.

FC Bayern is withdrawing its very well-paid offer to David Alaba. The club is sending an important signal with its action. Alaba is the big loser. He and his father shouldn’t hide behind their advisor.

Dhe members were enthusiastic and applauded. At the annual general meeting, club boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge announced that FC Bayern was withdrawing the “very good” contract offer to Michael Ballack. Ballack, star of the team, moved to Chelsea.

15 years later, the Munich club is doing the same again. His offer to David Alaba is no longer valid. The action of the German soccer record champions is correct and understandable.

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Bayern have negotiated intensively with the Alaba side three times in the past few months. Most recently, they improved their offer, offering the defender, according to “Sport Bild”, an annual salary of eleven million euros. First they offered a contract term of four years, then even five. With the bonuses that were added, Bayern had put together a package worth more than 75 million euros. Alaba commented on Monday lunchtime. He was disappointed that internal does not remain internal and denied the numbers.

Causa David Alaba? “Anything but happy”

FC Bayern Munich has withdrawn the contract offer for David Alaba. He is disappointed, Hansi Flick is also dissatisfied with the situation.

Quelle: Stats Perform News

One thing is certain: it’s about the money. Especially in the Corona period, poker on the Alaba side is difficult to convey to fans. Bayern were very patient with him and his advisors. Now there are many indications that the 28-year-old is leaving, whose contract with Bayern will run until the summer of 2021.

Bayern could still earn money in winter

In the new year, the Austrian international can leave Munich for free. Bayern could still earn money with him next winter.

After a deadline and a final conversation, the decision was made to withdraw the offer, announced club president Herbert Hainer on Sunday evening in “Blickpunkt Sport” on Bavarian radio.

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Bayern are sending the signal during the pandemic: We are ready to offer good players a lot of money. But we will not hold them at any cost. Even if the player has been with the club for eleven years and one of the faces of the club.

Alaba is a crowd favorite. Now what he and his father George really wanted to prevent has happened: that Alaba appears as Raffzahn.

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He’s the loser of this poker. Alaba is an important player for Bayern, but not irreplaceable like Manuel Neuer, Robert Lewandowski and Thomas Müller.

Alaba takes advice from his father, and some time ago they brought in the infamous player agent Pini Zahavi. It was said time and again from the Alaba camp that the player was about appreciation. That looks like an advance.

Rummenigge had even praised Alaba as “black Franz Beckenbauer”, the club repeatedly emphasized that Alaba was very important, could shape an era and could also make an important contribution to society.

The advisor isn’t the main reason

He wants to be one of the top earners in the team, which is exactly what the aforementioned appreciation is all about. In fact, Alaba has become its top defense chief. But he missed the time to make a decision. And the club bosses did not want to shift the pay structure for him in principle.

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The fact that Zahavi was last assigned the role of the bad boy misses the point. David Alaba and his family decide for themselves who will advise him. And give the consultant the job. Then to hide behind the agent is poor.

Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are among the clubs Alaba has been associated with. Both are teams with a lot of construction sites, Barcelona is extremely bad economically. To what extent a change to one of the clubs makes sense for Alaba is sportingly questionable.

The Alaba era at FC Bayern is expected to come to an unpleasant end. The player is responsible for that.

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Quelle: Stats Perform News



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