Crime in two sentences: Thiem wrestles down Nadal in the top game

Anyone who knows Nadal knows that there is no time to mourn wasted opportunities. The Spaniard had the first break chance in the first game of the second set. But Austria’s athlete of the year stayed cool even in this critical situation. At 3: 3 it was time, Nadal made the first break.

And yet Thiem struck back, was the master of the big points and grabbed the re-break immediately. At 4: 5, Nadal proved fighting skills and fended off three match points at 0:40. So there was another tie break. And Thiem did it again in the manner of a world-class man. This put Thiem in the direct duel to 6: 9 – it was the first time that he beat Nadal twice in a row. “It was a great match from the first to the last point. I knew that I had to stay fully focused even after the first sentence, ”said Thiem.


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