Covid-19: Caen bails out its associations and sports clubs in search of revenue

The 2019-2020 season was brought to a halt and caused confusion in the management of sports structures. The start of the school year has only moderately arranged things, between doubts, constraints and reconfinement. As everywhere, the Caen sport pulls the tongue and the municipality decided to act by voting, Monday, November 23, an envelope of 650,000 € in favor of 27 associations and sports clubs.

“It’s cultural, this support of the city for sport”, rejoices Jean Dodeman, vice-president and treasurer of the Société nautique Caen Calvados (SNCC). The rowing structure will thus receive € 8,000 in aid. The sum will make it possible to rebalance an orphan budget of several revenues. “We have lost 20% of our members and have had to give up part of the internships with MJCs and schools. “All the more unfortunate since the SNCC had purchased equipment just before the arrival of the Covid. “The invoices arrived at the wrong time,” laments Jean Dodeman.

Several demonstrations had to be abandoned

The renewal of the equipment will wait on the side of Caen BMX. “This is not expected when the bikes are already 2 or 3 years old, and it wears out quickly in this discipline,” breathes Sébastien Georges. He was elected club president in October and begins his term in a storm. The association had to give up several demonstrations, “which make it possible to scratch 500 €, 1000 € here and there. With a budget of between € 27,000 and € 30,000, the prospect of a € 5,000 grant “is not neutral. It could allow us to balance. This is important because the club finances, for example, partly diplomas such as Bafa or certificates, to train young people to teach BMX. “

Caen BMX now hopes very much for a decline in the epidemic, in order to organize, at the beginning of May, a national competition, with 900 drivers. “With the public, the refreshment bar, we can hope to earn around € 6,000 if we manage well,” adds Sébastien Georges. This kind of event is important for the finances of small local structures. Unfortunately, if hope remains for May, another appointment, the Caen BMX Indoor 2021, has been postponed to February 2022, in particular for fear of a too small gauge or other more restrictive measures at the start of the next year.

“Our partners have lost visibility”

The town hall is monitoring the situation closely. Aristide Olivier, deputy mayor for sport, explains: “In March, we saw a lot of solidarity. Many practitioners had paid their dues without asking for anything for the premature end of the season. But this time, there are fewer members, and we are getting more refund requests. We want to be as close as possible to the clubs, because we will have to resume one day. The elected recalls that on leaving the first confinement, a number of people had returned to outdoor activities. He hopes for such a rebound, for the benefit of associations and clubs.

Professional clubs have also been entitled to a sum, even if their economic model is different. The Caen Basket Calvados, strongly affected by the absence of the public, inherited the highest endowment: € 200,000. The Stade Malherbe saw the rent for the Ornano stadium suspended, “during the first confinement and since the decision to play the matches behind closed doors”, specifies Aristide Olivier. Caen Table Tennis is not spared from the consequences of the restrictions. Its president Bertrand Arcil, details: “We cannot organize a service for the public, and for the partners. We receive an average of 600 Pro A spectators, who spend an average of € 8. And in addition to this loss, our partners have lost visibility with the camera. “

“Will the sponsors renew their commitment?”

If the € 10,000 subsidy “will feed the budget”, it will not dispel the manager’s questions: “Will the sponsors renew their commitment next season? Of course, a club like ours benefits from short-time working and subsidies, but around 40% of our budget comes from private funds. The Caen TTC launched broadcasts of its matches, via the channels of the federation, in connection with local media. One way to regain visibility, facing a future that is still very vague.


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