Champions League: PSG will face Barcelona in the semi-final

In some areas, the world after looks like the world before the confinement and the start of the health crisis. As often, PSG will find FC Barcelona. It will be in the semi-finals of the Champions League on December 28 at Lanxess Arena in Cologne, Germany. This semi-final will take place behind closed doors. The other semi-final will pit the Germans in Kiel against the Hungarians in Veszprém.

PSG and Barça know each other inside out: a year ago during the group stage, the Spaniards won the first leg in Paris as the return to Catalonia. But at the time, the numbers of the two teams were very different. And that’s the whole paradox of this so special Final Four: players will participate without having played the first phase before confinement. It’s the same for all four teams. And vice versa: if the final, for example, opposes PSG on December 29 in Kiel, Paris will find on its way its former master playing Sander Sagosen, spent this summer at the German club.

But Paris is not there yet: it will first be necessary to beat Barcelona which is not far from being the favorite of this final square. It will be all the more difficult as PSG will have to fight without Nikola Karabatic injured and absent for at least six months.


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