Champions League: Manchester’s defeat is good news for PSG

This is likely to horrify Roy Keane a little more. And to give a smile to Thomas Tuchel. After having lit his old club in the big widths at the microphone of Sky Sports this weekend, the former barker of the Reds Devils lived another exasperating evening this Wednesday. Three days after the defeat conceded to Arsenal (0-1) in the Premier League, the Mancunians again failed for lack of envy in Basaksehir (2-1), during the third day of the Champions League. And by the same involuntarily revived PSG and Leipzig in the race for first place in Group H.

“I do not see any leader at United, among all these experienced players, regretted the former Irish international this weekend. Football is also what you do without the ball. United are not aggressive enough, they are not hungry. I don’t see a guy that I want to go to war with, guys that you trust. I am really worried about Manchester United. “

Rather well-founded fears with regard to the Mancunian performance this Wednesday evening in Turkey. A week after giving PSG a hard time, Basaksehir put the cover back in front of a ghostly Manchester. With one huge difference: this time the Turks did not let the victory slip away.

Help from Demba Ba

Six years after depriving PSG of a Champions League semi-final in the Chelsea jersey, Demba Ba has given his club at heart a boost from a distance. By quickly scoring the 4th goal of his career in the competition (13th), the Ivorian striker from Basaksehir has a little more pinned the doubt in the minds of the English and put his partners on a royal road.

A windfall that Edin Visca seized. Already very much to his advantage last week against Paris, the Bosnian did not miss his chance to double the bet approaching rest (40th). Anthony Martial had to close the gap with an uncrossed header just before returning to the locker room (43rd) to spark a ray of hope in the ranks of United.

But despite the “attack-defense” imposed by the Mancunians throughout the second period and despite the reinforcements of Paul Pogba and Edinson Cavani, both entered on time, the Reds Devils, too winded are not failed to reverse the trend. Good news for PSG which, before the start of its meeting in Leipzig, saw its victim last week, relaunching it in the race for first place.


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