Benzing and worrying about the next “baby break”

Three years ago, veteran Robin Benzing missed the birth of his daughter because of his participation in the basketball championship. Again, it “probably doesn’t happen. On the other hand, I can imagine it again,” said the captain of the German national team “MagentaSport” : “But the boss must first be asked how we handle it. If it were about the Olympics, then maybe.”

Benzing will play his international matches number 147 and 148 on Friday evening against Montenegro (9:00 pm) and on Sunday against hosts France (3:00 pm) in Pau. He has not yet lost his appetite for appearances for the German Basketball Federation. “As long as I can play here, I’ll be there. As long as I get an invitation from the coach, you’ll find me here,” said the Spanish legionnaire from Casademont Saragossa.

In his career he has learned a lot from the “big guys”, especially from Dirk Nowitzki. “I took a lot with me from Dirk during the years that I played with him,” said Benzing: “But also from Jan Jagla, for example. He was also an important person for me and taught me a lot, it was a little touching on me taken the hand. “



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