Because of Corona: Rapid for the first time in eight years with losses

It was foreseeable that the corona pandemic would have a negative impact on the SK Rapid’s finances. According to the new annual report, the Bundesliga club is making losses for the first time since the 2011/12 season. However, these are within limits and amount to 199,107 euros. The true traces of this turbulent Corona time will only be read in next year’s annual report.

Despite being absent from a European competition last season, sales amounted to an impressive 42 million euros. According to Rapid “a respectable result “. The national competition generated sales of 31.5 million euros. The results in the sponsoring and hospitality area are also relatively stable, where around 16.2 million euros were converted from the national competition. In merchandising sales of mouth and nose protection masks in rapid design generated sales of 2.8 million euros, while the ticketing business area is due to the ghost games, which was significantly lower than in the previous year at around 3.8 million euros. After a negative balance in the 2018/19 financial year, the transfer business brought this time a positive result of 5.8 million euros.


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