Basketball: Or how to “Deliver the BLMA at home”

Given the current context and the meetings played behind closed doors, Laurent Tizon, new director of operations of BLMA, has launched an operation aimed at maintaining the link between the club and its partners.

After two matches played at a reduced level (560 spectators) with priority given to partners, subscribers and licensees … against Union Saint-Amand Hainaut and Nantes-Rezé B., Basket Lattes-Montpellier Méditerranée-Métropole Association has been ordered, like the other clubs, to play its meetings behind closed doors. After having obtained the postponement of the summit against the LDLC Asvel, initially scheduled for November 7, to a later date, the BLMA looked closely at the issue in order to find solutions. And met this Thursday during a videoconference, many of its partners. “We are going through an unprecedented period … we are in survival mode. The club has taken all measures to preserve all jobs and guarantee its sustainability between deferrals of credits, a PGE (loan guaranteed by the State), partial unemployment as well as requests for subsidies and reductions in agents’ fees. In addition, there was an effort made by the players. We had made the decision to give up playing the Euroleague and given the current situation, it is confirmed that it was good because we have enough other problems to solve. And I thank all our partners more than ever for their support, I will remember it “declared in the preamble Franck Manna, the president. An option validated by the mayor of Lattes, Cyril Meunier, ephemeral speaker of this video and assuring “that we would be there until the end. I am delighted that we refused to play the Euroleague but I blame the French federation which requires us to play. We will have to draw all the conclusions of this very complicated period for all. ”

BLMA – Roche-Vendée … “like in Lattes”

A period that the instigator of this “video”, Laurent Tizon, wants to go through as best as possible for all members of the BLMA community (twitter, FB, Instagram …), that is to say 19,000 people and so to “Deliver the BLMA at home “. The person concerned is in the process of setting up a broadcast on the social platforms of the club, of the next home match, BLMA – Roche-Vendée (Saturday November 28 at 7 p.m.) “in high quality conditions with wide shots, shots And, in terms of visibility, all our partners will appear both in the pre-match, on free throws, between quarters, at half-time, at the end of the match. Better, in terms of hospitality, our VIP partner, the Traiteur Grand, made us a brilliant proposition with the delivery of our home dinner service in the Hérault-Gard area. ” Or how to follow the BLMA warm while pleasing your palate … in this atypical period. Another project of the director of operations, the layout of a Directory of Partners which would make it possible to “identify a whole bunch of privileged offers, traffic generator, flow … with our multisectoral network strength. And there, we starts from a blank page. “

Objective the Top 4

While the calendar proposes an international truce which concerns 40% of the BLMA team, also amputated of its American women returned to the country, the coach, Thibaut Petit, carried out a small staff review, and announced “hope to find my whole squad on Tuesday November 17th with fit players. ” In the game of questions and answers, President Manna will have preceded his technician by evoking “a hybrid championship. But we remain competitive, we aim for the Top 4 and qualification for the Euroleague. A final of the Coupe de France in Bercy , I would love too … But you can’t afford to set out disproportionate goals. ” A Euroleague of which Thibaut Petit wishes “to review the logo on our floor, we deserve it …” But that, still will have to be proven on the ground and … without spectators.


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