Basketball Bundesliga: coaches predict close races between Bayern and Alba

The coaches of the 18 basketball Bundesliga clubs are expecting a duel between defending champion Alba Berlin and challenger FC Bayern Munich for the German championship shortly before the season starts late.

In a survey by the German Press Agency, twelve coaches spoke out in favor of the Munich team on the championship question, ten voted for the capital club. Multiple answers were possible.

“I bet on Alba Berlin, because they kept their team together by and large,” said the former international Denis Wucherer from s.Oliver Würzburg. “They have a lot of quality, combined with a high basketball IQ, and they won’t play any worse than last year.” Other coaches such as Johan Roijakkers from Brose Bamberg and Roel Moors from BG Göttingen declared Bayern favorites. “Because with their outstanding brand and organization they have the best opportunities to get through these difficult times”, Giessen Ingo Freyer explained his choice.

The BBL faces the opening game between runner-up MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg and Göttingen on Friday before a difficult season. The start had already been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. From the cup qualification, which was brought forward in October, there are still five games pending due to infections in several teams.

Alba was hit particularly hard with seven players and team members who tested positive. The team from Berlin only resumed training on Monday, the previously infected professionals were still missing. “It looks like Alba and Bayern have the best chances of winning the championship,” said Crailsheims Toumas Iisalo, adding: “But the current situation on the globe brings a lot of uncertainty.”

The master tips at a glance:

Aito Garcia Reneses (Alba Berlin): “It’s very difficult to say who is the favorite. Many clubs have to master unfamiliar situations and we don’t know what’s coming. “

John Patrick (MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg): “Munich is the favorite, but Berlin has also strengthened its position with a few new players. The two are the measure of all things, behind that come Oldenburg and Ulm. “

Mladen Drijencic (EWE Baskets Oldenburg): “I hope the master will not come from Berlin or Munich.”

Jaka Lakovic (ratiopharm Ulm): “My top favorites are Alba Berlin and Bayern Munich.”

Andrea Trinchieri (FC Bayern Munich): “I don’t make any forecasts. Berlin is the defending champion, we are the challenger who naturally wants to fight for the title. “

Johan Roijakkers (Brose Bamberg): “Munich, because they have the broadest squad.”

Roel Moors (BG Göttingen): “Bayern Munich become German champions because they have the most physical and flexible team.”

Sebastian Gleim (Fraport Skyliners Frankfurt): “I think it will either be Bayern Munich or Alba Berlin. They have a deep squad with exceptional players in their ranks and are both Euroleague teams. The mix of playful quality, physique and athleticism is what makes both teams so superior. In addition, the core of the team has remained and most of the players have known each other over the course of the year. “

Thomas Päch (Rasta Vechta): “Alba Berlin. The club has the greatest continuity in the squad, everyone knows what to do. You have a lot of quality, a lot of experience and are very well filled in the German positions. Even if she had a lot of difficult exits, the overall structure seems the best to me. “

Tuomas Iisalo (Hakro Merlins Crailsheim): “It looks like Alba and Bayern have the best chance of winning the championship. But the current situation on the globe brings with it a lot of uncertainty. “

Denis Wucherer (s.Oliver Würzburg): “I bet on Alba Berlin because by and large they kept their team together. They have a lot of quality, coupled with a high basketball IQ, and they won’t play any worse than they did last year. “

Pete Strobl (Basketball Löwen Braunschweig): “I think that the two Euroleague clubs Alba Berlin and FC Bayern Munich will work out that among themselves. They have a significantly higher budget than any other BBL club and that is of course reflected in the quality of the team. “

Raoul Korner (medi bayreuth): “Ultimately, FC Bayern Munich and Alba Berlin will play off the title among themselves, as these teams have by far the best and deepest squads.”

Trainer Ingo Freyer (Jobstairs Gießen 46ers): “FC Bayern Munich. Because with their outstanding brand and organization they have the best opportunities to get through these difficult times. “

Igor Jovovic (Telekom Baskets Bonn): “Bayern Munich and Alba Berlin have the best chances for the title again. But my tip this year is Bavaria – a good and, above all, very athletic team. They have a lot to prove and I think they are very motivated to make us forget the rather bad impression of last year. “

Silvano Poropat (Syntainics Mitteldeutscher BC): “The Euroleague teams Bayern Munich and Alba Berlin have the best tickets. The quality of both teams is by far the highest. We already felt that firsthand in the BBL Cup game against Munich. “

Pedro Calles (Hamburg Towers): “I can’t estimate that yet. But basically I would say: Alba Berlin is the reigning champion. Therefore, the other teams have to work very well to take the title away from them. “

Rodrigo Pastore (Niners Chemnitz): “One of the two teams that play the Euroleague, ALBA Berlin or Bayern Munich. They simply have the greatest quality and depth. “

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