Bamberg loses offensive spectacle in Crailsheim

Crailsheim had a creamy day, especially from beyond the three-point line. 17 of 32 long-range throws landed in the target – a top rate. Bamberg, who had to do without Tyler Larson (Achilles tendon injury), only managed to withstand the pressure in the early stages. At halftime, head coach Johan Roijakkers’ team was already behind with 54:58.

Even after that, the offensive rows dominated on both sides. Bamberg won the final quarter again with 23:20, but that wasn’t enough to turn the game around.

“I think both teams have the same level of talent. We already knew that before the game. But they were the lower-manned team today. We were often close, but we didn’t manage to turn the game around.” Bamberg coach Johan Roijakkers

Bell-Haynes top scorer with 30 points

Trae Bell-Haynes collected the most points in the game for Crailsheim – a total of 30. With a rate of 58 percent, he was also the most accurate player on the floor. The best attacker for Bamberg was Devon Hall with 21 points. The most successful rebounder in the match was Bamberg’s David Kravish, who got nine balls for his team.


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