Back on the floor on December 8 for the C’Chartres BM, the date of resumption of all the championships is known

The French Basketball Federation (FFBB) was the first to emerge after President Emmannuel Macron’s speech on Tuesday, November 25. In a press release, the body unveiled the resumption date of all the senior championships. A date which nevertheless remains subject to the evolution of the health crisis and government decisions.

Reconfinement: amateur sport takes a break in Eure-et-Loir

So far, in Eure-et-Loir, only C’Chartres Basket Féminin has continued its Ligue 2 women’s championship during confinement. The Chartraines will soon be joined by the boys of C’Chartres Basket Masculin, in N1 men. The other teams in the department will have to wait a little longer to regain the competition …

N1M: the CCBM expected on December 8

The French Federation has chosen to resume the championship in a normal way from January 9. But, so that all the teams have the same number of matches on this date, she asked the clubs to play before, all the matches not having been able to take place before the start of the reconfinement (October 30), that is to say all the matches in delay of days 1 to 6.

Two matches before the holidays

The C’Chartres Basket Masculin will therefore have two matches in its program before the end of the year celebrations. Stopped since October 20, when he was strongly affected by the Covid, he will find the prosecution on December 8, at home, against Besançon. His second match, also behind closed doors at the Halle Jean-Cochet, against the Federal Center, was set for December 19. But it could be put forward.

On January 9, the championship should start again in a normal way but with ten games less for all compared to the initial schedule. Despite this delay, the Federation would like to try to keep the current formula, even if it means playing every three days.

What championship formula for the C’Chartres Basket Masculin?

If it proved impossible to stay the course, she would consider removing the play-offs. The first two of Pool A in the second phase would then access ProB. The chosen solution should be approved on December 11 in a vote by the federal steering committee.

Other championships: resumed on February 13

The other amateur national championships (N2M, N3M, N1F, N2F and N3F) will not resume until February 13. In Eure-et-Loir, this concerns the boys of Barjouville (N3M) and the reservists of the C’Chartres Basket Féminin. But the FFFB will leave the clubs the freedom to advance matches. This will not be possible before January 20, date of the announced reopening of the gymnasiums.

Regional and departmental too

The same decisions are valid for all other regional and departmental senior championships, the fate of the youth championships not yet being known.

As for the N1M, the new regulations for the championships will be determined on December 11 during a vote by the federal executive committee. One thing is certain, the competitions will end no later than the weekend of June 26.

Franck Thébault



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