ATP> “Harassed”, Zverev’s ex-girlfriend Olya Sharypova calls for calm

After accusing her ex-boyfriend, Alexander Zverev, of domestic violence in a sometimes inconsistent version of events, Olya Sharypova finds herself “harassed” on social networks.

In response, the Russian decided to post a message of appeasement on her Instagram account: “People, please stop being so angry. Why express your opinion, why do you move on to personal insults and unreasonable aggression? Each person sees this world in their own way, each has a different attitude towards everything and if my vision does not coincide with yours it does not make me good or bad, it makes me, me. You may or may not believe me. It is your choice, on which I cannot influence. You can like me or not. Everything in this world is subjective and sometimes something does not coincide with our expectations. So why do you write your rating comments so easily? Why radiate negativity? Be nicer. Log out of Instagram and spend time with the people who make you happy ”, wrote the one who started it all by making public accusations against the German player without taking legal action.


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