“Appeal for the 3-0 at the table? Four defensive theses, the club victim of ad personam behavior, an attack on the credibility of Serie A”

The lawyer of the Mattia Grassani, spoke to our microphones of Football Napoli 24 TV and he spoke of the appeal presented for the defeat suffered at the table against Juventus: “Defensive thesis of Napoli? Basically there are four, in my opinion they appear suitable to undermine the decision of the Sports Judge: Napoli did not decide independently not to travel to Turin, there were four rulings of the ASL Napoli 1 and Napoli 2, plus on Saturday evening at 18.25 by the head of cabinet of the Campania Region expressly sanctioned that the quarantine should be understood at the players’ homes without any derogation. The second aspect: only at 14.13 did Napoli clear the picture that did not allow him to leave? No, it was already clear from Saturday evening: the letter reiterated the requirements already defined on Saturday afternoon by the ASL, Napoli at 14.13 did not know for the first time that they could not travel. The third aspect that we do not accept: if the OK had arrived at the departure at 14.13, Napoli would not have been able to organize a trip to Turin for the match at 20.45. There are declarations by Alitalia, in three hours the charter would have been ready at 17.30: the flight would have lasted 1 hour and 15 minutes, at 18.45 we would have arrived and there are 18 kilometers from the airport to the Stadium. We would have arrived at 7.15 pm, we could have asked the referee for 45 minutes of waiting time. We could have taken the field at 21.29, directly.

Fourth element: the cause of force majeure. The behavior of Napoli, in an illogical and contradictory way, not documented by the Sports Judge. Having canceled the slot that should have brought them to Capodichino at 18.45-19 had shown that Napoli had called out and had no more intention of facing the away match. There were already Saturday measures, not just Sunday measures at 2.13pm. We discussed for an abundant hour and a half with the Sporting Court of Appeal, the Juventus-Napoli case is a pilot case: from October 4th to today a lot of water has passed under the bridge, the choice of Napoli was not arbitrary or unilateral, but needed. And then followed by many ASLs in this month: there are 24 matches moved without inflicting 0-3 at the table. There is confidence: Juventus-Napoli was the only match decided in this way, and it is the only one that produced five measures by the health and regional authorities between Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon that prevented Napoli from leaving. The club twice asked for postponement because it was unable to leave, only at 19.43 on Sunday did the League say no. Too bad because all the other leagues with 24 matches, 5 of which overlap with that of Napoli, have established the rescheduling of the match without the 0-3 penalty. The Sporting Court of Appeal explained that given the delicacy of the issues dealt with, it would not come out with just the device during the day, but the device and reasons together. We hope that the arguments brought by myself and the introduction that hit the judges to the heart by President De Laurentiis can lead to a decision that, as the president said, takes into account not politics but only the rules and sports law. It is a bad page of sports that we hope can be straightened, the president said that the games are played on the field and are not won at the table.

Feelings? However it will go, even if Naples were right it would have been the victim of an ad personam behavior compared to other clubs. Should the decision be confirmed, Napoli will not give up and will certainly go to CONI and possibly to the TAR: this pronouncement is absolutely in contrast with an armored case study, and is supported by measures that in the name of health to which we are all entitled, starting from all those that the Napoli players would have met. A football match cannot be played beyond the laws of the state.

Damage suffered by Napoli and compensation? It is premature to talk about it now, but it is in the availability of President De Laurentiis. For now there is a ranking with an asterisk, from the point of view of competitiveness there is a sub-judice match which represents an attack on the credibility of the championship. Unless delayed and motivated postponements, the championship should see all teams with the same number of games played on the field. National issues and any positives among the Napoli squads? The event should occur first, and hopefully it will not happen. But it is obvious that we already talked about it in March-April: the players are employees of the clubs, they respond to the calls of the federations in the established periods. If they return healthy, there could be no grievance. If they return positive, they should remain at rest and the club would suffer damage. FIFA has established a derisory fund for all cases relating to stops and injuries remedied by players in the national team: the world sporting world still has a lot to do to face the risk of contagion from the point of view of compensation and protection of companies.

De Laurentiis a future as a lawyer? The president is the first defender alongside Napoli, in all this time he has been in contact with me and knows the dossier and the procedure in every line of the hundreds of pages of which it is composed: it is an honor to have him at your side when you know to fight a battle that brings forth the truth of the righteous ”.


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