All the information of the WGC Mexico in a new podcast from Chapultepec

Jon Rahm, today the day before the start of the WGC Mexico Championship. (© Golffile | Ken Murray)

The Provisional Ball number 21 has already come out of the oven. A very special Provisional Ball. The latest chapter of the Ten Golf podcast is recorded from the heart of the Chapultepec Golf Club. From there, our special envoy, Alejandro Rodriguez, next to David Duran, we crumble all the details of the first world championship of 2020.

DJ passes Jon the Mexico manual: the key is the trajectory

Live it as if you were right there with the sounds of the protagonists, the stories, the best anecdotes, everything that is cooking in Chapultepec and that may be important for the development of the tournament. In addition, we tell you the latest news of the Premier Golf League, with special attention to the bombshell he released today Rory McIlroy.

McIlroy slammed the door in the face of the new world circuit

There are also some very tasty tips for our Ten Golf THE GAME players to drop. Do not miss it.

#THEGAME starts with juicy news and a new final in Valderrama

Of course, the Cabinet of Curiosities of Oscar Diaz. Today he travels to Mexico, of course, to tell us the best stories of its most relevant players: the first ‘wet back’ of golf and the feat of Homer White, Mr. 55.


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