Agen. The re-containment, a blow to the Foot Five and the Foot Five Academy

For the Foot Five sports structure, located on the RD 813 in Castelculier, this second confinement is a blow: the finances are at worst for lack of revenue, and the sports actions carried out by the Foot Five Academy in favor of the inclusion of young people handicapped by sport are also at a standstill.

Laurent Fernandez, who has managed the sports complex for almost twelve years, does not give up, although these two closures have damaged the cash flow of the establishment which offers indoor football, badminton, squash or even basketball.

“The complex was closed from March 16 to June 22. We reopened by adopting a very strict sanitary protocol, he explains. Having to close shop for the second time in the space of a few months is very hard to live with. both for morale and on the financial side, even if we have benefited from state aid. The owner of the premises has also shown great solidarity by offering us months of rent during periods of confinement . I thank him very much. “

The Foot Five Academy, which is aimed at children aged 3 to 7, has also had to put its activities to sleep because of the Covid-19: a very difficult situation for Laurent Fernandez, its founder. “To be different and to play sport without differences: this is the motto of the association. We bring together able-bodied children as well as children with disabilities. We usually welcome around forty children. Our goal is to help them discover sport through motor skills. We offer multisport, which allows hands and feet to work: football, rugby, handball, baseball, golf, bowling and many other disciplines. Coming soon, a climbing wall We hope to be able to resume activities in the coming weeks. The 14 volunteers are on standby! “concludes Laurent Fernandez.

Additional information on 05 53 67 91 52.


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