About the light of life in the fridge

I’m afraid our station won’t be small for you soon, the lord let us hear you when we arranged the show on regional radio. You didn’t make it to the next round, they wrote me from the competition for the best amateur film with a natural theme. You won’t fit in our tables, the lady sighed as I tried to hand over the plasma. In the hospital, not in the collection yard.

This is forbidden. I’m used to the fact that sometimes I don’t fit in a skirt. But in the tables? And if I don’t go to the next round, is there a risk that I won’t go through the door next time? What’s the point, this time, instead of a jug, I’ll have chocolate with eighty percent cocoa and sea salt. What is bitter and salty cannot go thick. However, I feel that this time I have to do more than exchange a hard drug for a soft one. You need to run. But outside, it’s pouring so that Matilda (our fence has already been talked about here) has been bivouacing in her chair since morning. What if a flood came up to us, on the fifth floor? I can’t jump in the living room over the skipping rope either, no one likes coffee pieces of plaster from the ceiling in coffee. Plus I have pilates. Exercises that do not require space and neighborly relations. And it can be operated online. A live. So maybe I’ll be live in an hour.

You could eat from the floor, I say from a mat. The choice is decent. Cake crumbs, a rolled walnut there (unfortunately a walnut, not a bottle of wine) and quite a caramel in the corner. Not unpacked yet. Yum. I swallow my saliva and put my feet on the stool. Matilda is asleep, the cat notices Alfred. Alfred annexed all the footstools at home and in the cottage. So they’re horseshoes now. Now he is trying to do the same with the chair. Instead of a fox, I’ll make a cat’s back on it. He will contemptuously measure me and then show his own. After receiving applause from the web scene, he jumps exhausted into the duvet. But Matilda woke up. I’m just trying to get to dog position. When I finally succeed, he goes around me three times and then starts dating. But you know how dogs do it. So I quickly go to the ground to make it clear that I don’t care about any confidentiality. Annoyed, Matilda stretches out her front and back paws and returns to her chair to face the flood.

Online exercise goes to our pets to the rainbow. But what about my weight loss? Maybe I can do it remotely. The computer already knows me well, so it will offer me one distance course immediately. The first task: find the light you will follow when you have a sweet tooth. So I’m starting to like this weight loss. The most beautiful light I know is a light bulb in the fridge.


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