You remember? The first tennis to connect to a computer

We were surfing at ease on the Internet, seeing how much we were crossed in its digital waves, when suddenly we saw this old advertisement:

It is an advertisement posted on April 11, 1985 in the newspaper La Prensa, related to first computerized athletic shoes that a renowned firm had just announced.

Beyond the point that an electronic device placed on the soles would send signals to a computer, advertising does not reveal major elements, such as the identity of the firm, and for that reason we undertook the task of delving a little more into the topic and found that the company in question was Puma.

Tennis are the RS-Computer and they were designed to run, and the peculiarity was that the chip that they had implanted registered distance traveled, weather Y calories burned.

So that the technological runners of that time could see their records, they needed to link the tennis shoes via 16 pin connector to any Apple IIE, Commodore 64 The PC IBM.

The original model RS-Computer went on sale in 1986, but to give brand enthusiasts a taste of the past, Puma relaunched them just in 2018 with certain settings.

This relaunch was preceded by an announcement with which Puma recalled that it was the first company to incorporate sophisticated hardware and software to the sporting experience.

RS-Computer It was running shoes, it came out in 1986, it was considered extremely advanced for its time and it revolutionized the way runners trained. ‘, reads an official statement of this relaunch.

The version of 2018 no longer requires cable to connect to a computer, but to charge via USB.

Data registration is through Bluetooth with iOS and Android devices that have the app respective interface, whose interface emulates the 8-bit graphics of the original model and allows managing and processing all the information.


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