X-ray of Diego Haro, the referee who will direct the match between Bolivia and Argentina

Haro, during a match of the Copa Libertadores 2019 (JUAN MABROMATA / AFP)

A Peruvian man Diego Mirko Haro, 37 years old, merchant, father of two twins, divorced, will be the main referee of the duel they will animate Bolivia and Argentina by the second date of South American Qualifiers Way to Qatar World Cup 2022. He will be assisted by his compatriots Jonny Bossio, Víctor Ráez and Michael Espinosa. Víctor Carrillo and Ángelo Hermosilla will be in the VAR, the latter from Chile.

He is a judge with only one match led by Qualifiers in seven years and little participation in the Copa América in Brazil 2019 (also a match), despite being international since 2013. In the ranking of his country he appears among the three first places. He participated in a U-20 World Cup, without success.

As a fact to remember in your career, 96 hours before the final of the last Copa Libertadores, the South American Football Confederation dismissed him as head of the VAR for the duel between River and Flamengo held on Saturday, November 23, 2019 at the Monumental Stadium in Lima. Conmebol then argued that “it did not comply with the established protocol” for making statements through different means.

In tendentious statements and with a lack of media maturity he referred to the Millionaire players as “foul simulators”. “We have studied River,” he said in relation to the alleged exaggerations for which the cast of Núñez was accused in the previous edition of the maximum continental competition at club level.

The background, his track record, the little filming that the Referees Commission has given him at the international level gives us the guideline that the one chosen for this match is not a better judge

He offers a profile of a pragmatic judge in the physical, contemplative in the disciplinary, with insecurity in the decisive moments when it comes to making sports justice prevail. In addition, he has shown loss of control of the game when players confront him with protests, causing him to lose credibility. Throughout his career he accumulated lapses of successes and errors, as well as exhibiting oscillating in the mood.

Their faults may be made up and their virtues highlighted in the event that both teams become aware of making the game prevail before friction, or in a scenario with few conflicts in the areas.

The lack of local public will favor it in terms of control: statistics indicate that in the matches after the stoppage by COVID-19, technical and disciplinary infractions have declined in the world by 40% and players, without fervor and the extra seasoning that the fans propose, they come out with another spirit to the field of play.


Milton Melgar, the Bolivian footballer who passed through Boca and River: the difference between the fans and why stars like Messi find it difficult to play at height


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