Why unlucky Oliver Naesen did not finish in AG Three days …

Oliver Naesen did not reach the finish of the AG Driedaagse Brugge-De Panne. He crashed again, just like in the previous three races he rode. The unlucky person now has to lick his wounds during the holidays. “Just before the corner where the first fan would be drawn, I was fine in fifteenth position. In that corner Kwiatkowski takes me and Sep Vanmarcke to the ground. Shit happens, but I had to start in the seventh range and it really didn’t make sense anymore, ”says Naesen.

The consequences of the fall of Naesen in the Three Days of Bruges-De Panne

John Degenkolb missed the podium by a hair: “I kicked more watts than during the Tour”

“It was the toughest classic of the year, I think. In any case, I kicked more watts than during the Tour. I knew it would be difficult to win. I did my very best to finish on the podium, but in the end it was unfortunately two centimeters. It was a nice fight. I think the change of course made little difference. I can go into winter with confidence. It is a good end to the season, although it could have been even better with a podium place. ”

Why unlucky Oliver Naesen did not finish in AG Driedaagse Brugge-De Panne

Photo: BELGA



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