Walter Garrone and the advances of Adapted Basketball

The Cordovan teacher tells what the first steps have been and confirms that 13 federations appointed their technical coordinators. Sensations and objectives of this new national direction.

The brand new Adapted and Inclusive Basketball, directed by Walter Garrone and accompanied by Diego Brazzale, begins to take its first steps as a new creation of the Argentine Confederation. The plan drawn up has already been approved by the Board of Directors and those in charge of the department contacted the various federations, entities and organizations to invite them to join and combine work criteria. In a few days, 13 federations responded, appointing the technical coordinators of their provinces to begin with the talks of the section. “We are achieving an important step, these confirmations mean something significant this year”, Garrone told CABB press from his home in Tanti, Córdoba. The federations that have confirmed appointments to date are Chaco, Santiago del Estero, Salta, San Luis, Neuquén, La Pampa, Río Negro, Chubut, FeBamBa, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Tucumán and Santa Fe

“It is a nice challenge. I really want to achieve things. I am looking at and studying the national diagnoses and surveys of people with difficulties and disabilities. We will have to start learning and surely there will be the possibility of being able to add more people to develop these tasks and God willing that we can have important achievements for people with difficulties in their lives “, explained Garrone, the experienced coach who led and won the great Athens of the 80s (he won three leagues and one South American) and who even made it to the National Team (he led the remembered Pre-Olympic 92). His life changed in 2009, when by chance he discovered Basketball for the Blind and his career took another course. Before he had directed the Feminine and worked as a Physical Education teacher, but this mobilized him in another way. “It’s very exciting. You don’t know what a blind baby feels when he hits his first double. This, a sport as beautiful as basketball, should be an excuse to help train people ”, Explain.
-And how is work going, how was it planned?
-We are fine, although I would like to go faster. But maybe it’s a feeling that has a bit to do with my anxiety about wanting to do more. I must take my time and understand the time of others. Apart from the issue of the pandemic, we cannot meet, visit, explain and know, which means that everything has to be done virtually. We want to move forward as soon as possible, although we know that the bulk of the work will only begin to be seen in 2021.
-He is heard very motivated.
-Yes, I feel very good, motivated to be able to do things, the way I like, seriously. Besides, I work with Diego (Brazzale), who in addition to being an expert on the subject, is a friend. We know each other perfectly, we worked 10 years together at ENEBA, so we have confidence in what we do. Besides many of the federative presidents, we already know them from the time we worked with ENEBA and I think that makes communication easier.
-In addition, his idea is to work as a team, as Ricardo Bojanich from MiniBásquet and Emilio Gutiérrez from School and University Basketball have stated.
-Yeah sure. I am in communication with them. We have already formally submitted a request to be able to interact with the other sports departments recently created in CABB and thus work as a team. I notice that everyone is eager to do things and that is important, we are going to nurture each other in order to move forward.

At present, in our country there are two national federations of Adapted Basketball, the Wheelchair -the only Paralympic- and the Deaf, which has its World Cup competition in which Los Topos participated in 2019. Both have their organization at the level national and its competition, outside of CABB and with the arrival of Fabián Borro, will benefit from growing in quantity and quality. Both Wheelchair and Deaf will be recognized by the CABB, continuing with its organization and autonomy, but within the orbit of the mother entity of national basketball. It will also open a registry of the institutions that deal with Inclusive Basketball.

The third discipline that will be within the BAI Project will be the Blind, who are currently not organized and who, as established in the document presented by Garrone and his team, will be included within the provincial federations and associations, as is the case in Córdoba ( in addition to the FBPC, they are part of the Córdoba Sports Agency). The CABB, through the BAI, will also be in charge of supporting the institutions that work to train people with and without disabilities jointly through basketball. It will be a way to help people physically, psychologically and socially, that is, to improve the quality of life. That is the great objective and most important end, assures Garrone. The Cordovan teacher is already in office and moving forward.



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