Totti, farewell to dad moves the world

Maybe it wasn’t even a coincidence that it rained like that there. Drops of infinite rain, as if to replace the tears of those who were there and those who wanted to be there but couldn’t because of the pandemic, writes Andrea Pugliese on The Gazzetta dello Sport. Drops that have also furrowed the faces of Francesco and Riccardo, the two beloved children. Is that of Fiorella, who was there with the heart but not in person (being slightly positive at Covid). And then of all those who wanted to pay the last farewell to Enzo Totti. There were about 300 outside the church of the Beata Vergine Maria del Carmelo, in Mostacciano, south of Rome. All with a composed pain, for that last goodbye to Francesco Totti’s father.

There were many people from the world of football and others who loved Enzo: Bruno Conti, Candela, Scala, Nanni, Cancellieri, Enzo Salvi and so on. Some touching words by Fiorella, the wife: “Thank you for loving me with tenderness all my life“.

Then, at the end of the service, Enzo was buried in the Laurentino cemetery, in the family tomb. And in those moments the world of sport and entertainment gathered around the former captain. “I’m so sorry. A very strong hug“, He wrote Maradona. “I hug you“, He said Zanetti. Hearts and affection also from Ronaldo the Phenomenon, Vieri, Dzeko, Modric and Terry, Frey, Pinilla, Pjanic, Perrotta, Sorrentino, Toni, Inzaghi and former comrades Cassano, Osvaldo, Lamela, El Shaarawy, Nainggolan, Manolas, Aquilani, Borriello and Dacourt.

Struggling the post on Instagram by Francesco to the father: “I spent the worst ten days of my life knowing you were there alone… Now my life will be different. I have to say sorry and thank you. Sorry for all the times I didn’t understand, that I didn’t tell you tvb, for the missed hugs, the unspoken words and the mistakes I made. Without you I would never have made it .. You were and are my pride. Hi dad, hi sheriff. Have a good trip, your Francesco“. Enzo will have appreciated.


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