The support of the Real, an indication that “we are on the right track”

The president of the Real Sociedad, Jokin Aperribay, positioned himself last Wednesday in favor of the candidacy of Manu Díaz in the electoral process that is being carried out in the Guipuzcoan Football Federation. From Garai Berriak, the words of the Blue and White leader have been “a recharge of energy for the project” with a view to the elections to preside over the entity that governs the destinies of soccer in the territory. “We are very grateful and satisfied to see that our proposal coincides with what the leading Gipuzkoan football club defends,” said his head of the list yesterday during an informative breakfast with the press in which the members of the candidacy Beatriz were also present Bermejo and Mikel Azkune, executives of Elgoibar and Touring respectively.

Díaz admits that the support of the txuri-urdin group is “important” and “reinforces” the ideas that they want to carry out in the FGF, but he says he assumes it “calmly” and maintains that “we are not getting our chest out” for it. However, he remembers that «we are going to treat all the clubs equally and we are interested in everyone’s support», but he does not ignore that «it would be hypocritical to deny that we have been filled with pride that the Gipuzkoa tractor club agrees with the postulates of our program ». The words of the royalist president only indicate that “we are on the right track.”

They understand from the platform that “to change the way of doing things, people have to change”, for this reason they assure that it has been difficult to put into practice the “unity” that Aperribay asked for in his appearance. Manu Díaz acknowledges that “at the time we would have been willing for people from the federation who shared our ideology to be in our project”, but “the statements, some of them very painful for Garai Berriak and for me, have practically curtailed any possibility to integrate platforms ». Thus, he points out that “it is very difficult to sit down to negotiate with people who throw certain hoaxes without any confirmation.”

“We are grateful to see that our proposal coincides with what the leading Gipuzkoan football club defends”

“The statements, some of them very painful, have curtailed any possibility of integrating platforms”

However, since the candidacy headed by the former Bergara sports director, they claim to have “outstretched hands” as a unifying element that they want to be of all Gipuzkoan football. «In Garai Berriak’s ship there is room for everyone who has a philosophy of training and amateur football similar to ours. We are an integrating element and we can take on the challenge of joining forces, ”explains Díaz.

Ane Bergara, last signing

Thus, the Garai Berriak platform that opts for the presidency of the Guipuzcoana will finally be made up of 21 people. The last to join the project, after obtaining the support of Vasconia and Kostkas a few weeks ago, represented by Josu Lobato and Miguel Poyales respectively, has been Ane Bergara, former professional player for Real Sociedad, Athletic, Barcelona and Espanyol. “We are interested in both parts of his profile, that he has fifteen years of experience at Primera Iberdrola, but we like even more that he is from Andere,” admits the visible head of the ironer Garai Berriak.



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