Tennis: the wind carried away a player at the Barcelona Challenger

Many times, climatic factors have a direct influence on the development of sports activity. Not only in football but also in other disciplines.

This, without a doubt, was revealed in the last hours, more precisely within the framework of the ATP Challenger in Barcelona, ​​in Spanish territory.

The striking fact in question happened in the meeting that put French Enzo Couacaud and Spanish Jaume Pla Malfeito face to face, who ended up suffering a lot.

It is that, when the second set was being developed and the Spanish had prevailed in the first, the wind was present in the stadium and it was forceful.

So much so that when Pla Malfeito was about to take off, the wind, extremely strong at the time, blew him away and almost took him off the pitch.

To make matters worse, the local could not continue with its winning trend and ended up being eliminated after losing the next two sets. Truly amazing.



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