Spanish triplet in Motorland | The mail

Álex Rins became this Sunday the eighth winner different in the ten races that MotoGP has contested in this 2020. Suzuki’s had to fight until the last lap against the pressure from Álex Márquez. Joan Mir, third, placed first in the general classification after an excellent day for the Spaniards when they got a poker in the queen displacement because Viñales finished in fourth position.

It had to be the Yamaha race, perhaps the fight between Quartararo and Viñales, if the French were not affected by the aftermath of Saturday’s crash, if the Spanish did not screw it up at the start. Perhaps Morbidelli, one of the fastest-paced in training sessions, could say something; o Mir, sixth, in a good position to look for his first win of the year. Although it was not the career of any of these four. It was from Rins, tenth on the grid, and who had spent two days doing a silent job, without attracting attention; and it was Alex Márquez, in a very good level in Aragon, with high spirits after the podium in the water at Le Mans, but who was hard to imagine fighting ahead in the dry after his discreet debut season in MotoGP.

ViñalesFor a change, he made a fantastic start, and he fulfilled his confessed plan on Saturday: getting in first from the first corner to start shooting. The Yamaha one set an impossible pace for the rest, which allowed him to see how Quartararo was falling further and further behind. “When I saw ‘Quartararo +0.7’, ‘+1’, I said, ‘Okay, now relax and take care of the rubber’. But on the next lap I read ‘Rins at 0.3’. And I said, ‘shit, they are going to destroy me’. And when it happened to me I saw that I had nothing to do, I did not have the necessary traction to follow him and I decided to wait, wait, wait and make the best possible result. In your case, cross the finish line fourth, a positive position for the fight for the title, with a good test finish that almost got him on the podium.

Rins, after being among the first very soon, was able to get rid of all his rivals, and tried to put into practice what Viñales wanted, the breakaway. «I told my team that I wanted to have a Lorenzo-style race. Put myself first and escape », confessed that of Suzuki, whose paternal family hails from Valdealgorfa, 17 kilometers from the Motorland of Aragón. «I have escaped a little bit. When they marked me that I had Márquez at 0.0, I thought that if it hadn’t happened to me already, it would be just as fair as me on tires ». So it was.

The youngest of the Márquez showed skills not seen so far in MotoGP, and placed the Honda in the place that usually belongs on the Teruel track, in which his brother had won in recent seasons with relative ease. «I felt free, I felt like Álex on the bike forgetting all kinds of pressure and everything else and that is why I thought that today could be a good day and from the beginning I tried to push although it is true that Rins was more intelligent and capable to climb positions in the first lap more than me and that was perhaps one of the keys of the race. That pressure that has sometimes gripped him and that disappeared to allow him to sign his best career in the premier class. “Hi everyone! I’m the brother of Alex Marquez“Marc wrote on his social networks, proof of how this situation is lived within the family.

After Rins and Márquez, and enduring the final pressure from Viñales, Mir crossed the finish line, who at times seemed ready to finally win his first MotoGP race. “I felt quite good throughout the race, I was trying to manage and save the tires, and to be close to the first to attack at the end. There was a moment when I was able to overtake Viñales and cut the gap with Rins, but then I started having problems with the front end. These temperatures are the highest we have had all weekend and getting the right tire choice when behind several drivers in the race is not easy. It was not the day to get the victory, but it was to be the leader of the championship », concluded the Mallorcan, who with the eighteenth of Quartararo he takes the lead (the Frenchman claimed front tire pressure problems that made the bike impossible to ride).

«I think that at the moment I am the most constant driver. Honestly, I think we are capable of defending the lead we have now, but the reality is that I am not going to go into the next race thinking about defending the lead because I think that would be a big mistake. The World Cup remains in Aragon. It will be the first of the four races left to finish a championship that keeps its first four separated by only 15 pointss.



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